Category: Projects
Rotterdam Grid Project, started with grid 16-17

The first batch of images regarding the Rotterdam Grid Project are posted on the Grid project website: www.rotterdamgridproject.nl
Station photo project: Near Blijdorp station, Blijdorp (E line)
Rotterdam Grid Project. Photographing Rotterdam in squares!

Why I start this project
I’ve got it from reading “The Street Photographer’s Manual”
The idea or inspiration: “In October 1995 photographer Christopher Rauschenberg took a pair of scissors to a standard map of Portland and cut it into 98 pieces. He then invited a group of 12 Portland photographers, using a variety of cameras, films, formats, and digital processes, to all photograph the randomly selected square each month. Continue reading “Rotterdam Grid Project. Photographing Rotterdam in squares!”
Station to station project, a portrait of the city, one station at a time

Inspired by a citywide portrait of New York City, circa 2002-2004
A series by Lisa Gidley.
Lisa Gidley: “Station to Station is a project in which I took a photo within a square block of each of New York City’s subway stations. It began when I realized that despite living in the city for seven years, I’d been to barely a quarter of the subway stops. I decided to make a portrait of the city, one station at a time.
Each photo was made within a square block (square block is 264×900 feet/80mx274m) of one of the station’s entrances or exits, generally less than two minutes’ walk away. No photo could include the subway station itself. (Elevated outdoor tracks were fair game, though.) All photos were made with a medium-format camera on negative film and printed in a color darkroom. Continue reading “Station to station project, a portrait of the city, one station at a time”
Week 2, 52 rolls: a Minolta Dynax 5 try-out photowalk in Rotterdam

At last, week 2 with the Minolta Dynax 5 is over. A bit disappointing in using it, I didn’t like the lens, a standard Minolta kitlens 35-70mm F4.0. Not really usable in low light but even in the light of fall it didn’t work well. Autofocus was nah and the color rendering not spectaculair. I also used a film that is not to spectaculair – Agfa Vista Plus 200 – so my heart didn’t beat faster with this combo.
Continue reading “Week 2, 52 rolls: a Minolta Dynax 5 try-out photowalk in Rotterdam”
Week 1, 52 rolls: Maastricht and Rotterdam with the Praktica CX-1 point and shoot camera

The camera, a Praktica CX-1, performed very well and surprised me with the color rendering and sharpness! I didn’t know this camera but when scrolling through the lists on a online market website I bought it. I liked the size of it and I like the brand Praktica! My first “real” camera, a SLR, was a Praktica B200 and I’m still very happy with that one!
On arriving I checked the camera, new batteries and a fresh Kodak film. Everything seems to work fine. So week 1 of this project52 was a learning week. I tried to free myself from the pressure to perform, make the best picture etc. I just took the Praktica CX-1 with me, on a walk, to work etc. and just look and click with a open mind. And I think it worked out.
52 Rolls project, one roll of film for 52 weeks
So I’m commiting myself to a not as easy film project, 52 rolls of film for 52 weeks. I’ve collected a stock of films, chose a number of cameras that I have owned for a while and trust to work and plan to start november 1th, 2019.
So my project for 52 rolls is very simple: take at least one roll of film per week with a 35mm film camera. I should be able to scan and develop at least two rolls every two weeks, and post at least one image from each roll.
I enjoy photographing here in my hometown Rotterdam so the project looks doable. I also planning to travel to France, Belgium etc. A topiclist is in the making…